TSI imagines, designs, and develops products that solve measurement problems. We collaborate with colleges and universities, research groups, and businesses around the world to set the standard for measurement expertise.
Training Is The Key to a Good Fit Test Program App Note (ITI-031) US
October 2nd 2020This paper outlines a primary reason to fit test an individual is to verify that he or she has been trained to wear a respirator and has learned how to don the facepiece correctly. Improper use can compromise the respirator’s protection.
Q&A: Getting Healthcare Workers to Wear Masks
August 19th 2020Linda Spaulding: “We [infection preventionists] have listening sessions with staff and we talked to them about proper mask wearing 24/7. We can do a listening session and we still have people sitting there with a mask under their nose, while we’re telling them not to. You have to continuously stress this among healthcare workers, be it whatever department.”