By Melba Rhodes, RN, BSN, CIC and Kathy Nugent, RN, CIC
1. Identify barriers to the efficacy of traditional education
2. Identify alternatives to traditional education.
With all the demands on our time, we have less time for education -- namelytraditional classroom education. There are three classifications of factors thatcause educational barriers: employee factors, presenter factors and contentfactors. With the current staffing shortage, time is a barrier that affects boththe employee and the presenter. Instead of viewing this as a barrier, one mustview it as an opportunity to escape the concept of traditional classroomeducation.
Some of the barriers to traditional classroom education fall upon theemployee as more and more is expected of them with less and less support.
"Sound infection control practices sometimes fall by the wayside ashealthcare workers work faster and harder than ever before."1Educational deficits can increase the risk of transmission of infection.Therefore, it is important to put forward educational efforts in fast"bites" that are timely, relevant and in a format the employee willremember. In short, RAP it: keep it Real (relevant), Active and Participatory.
As infection control and employee health professionals, we also have barriersof our own, some of them self-made. We say, "You can't be a prophet in yourown land," "I don't have time," "We just have less time foreducation," "I have more duties," "It's too little bang formy buck" (we've all gone all out and had only one or two people show up toan inservice), "It just doesn't matter" (apathy). However, aseducators we must realize the burden is on our shoulders to make educationmemorable and to present the information in as many ways as possible.
Many alternatives to traditional classroom education involve relevantactivities or -- as we like to call it -- fun and games. However, we in generalare wrapped up in the seriousness of our work, saying, "The control ofinfection is serious business. I've worked hard to be professional; people won'ttake me seriously afterwards." Alternatively, we experience the fear offailing in trying something new, all of which stymie our educational efforts.
But so what? We need to see the forest, not the trees. Education is one ofthe most important aspects of our jobs. Whatever method the message is besttransmitted to the employee (and remembered by) is the "name of thegame." Moreover, education should include humor when appropriate. The focusof humor is to create an atmosphere of interaction, amusement and association.Avoid victimizing persons (focus on conditions, not persons), off-color jokes,embarrassing remarks and disrupting the "show's" flow.
Use themes to dress up your learning activities. Coordinate memos, othercorrespondence, refreshments, education and other activities around a centraltheme to create a pleasant learning environment. For example, for a flu shotbooth, use "The flu doesn't bug me." Use bug graphics on your flu shotflyers to catch the eye. Serve bug-shaped cookies and "bug juice"during your flu shot booth. Use bug napkins and cups. Give each recipient a flushot packet with the current year's vaccine information sheet, post vaccineinformation (i.e., ice pack for sore arm, fever/pain reducer of choice, etc.), asucker, post-vaccine survey for side effects and a plastic bug in a Ziploc bag(which can serve as an icepack for arm soreness). Attach a bug sticker to eachparticipant to further "advertise" the flu shot. Fill a basket withbug items (cup with bugs on it, wooden bug puzzle, plastic bugs, etc.) for adoor prize that all flu shot recipients are registered to win. Encourage returnof the post vaccine survey by registering each employee who returns the surveyfor another door prize. Report flu vaccine rates and side effects to yourinfection control committee. Since the optimum time for flu shots roughlycoincides with Infection Control Week, this makes an excellent Infection ControlWeek activity.
Use safety faxes to deliver a quick and short message. The following areexamples; please customize to your facility's policies, procedures and datawhere applicable.
A Safety Fax from Infection Control
Cleaning up a blood and body fluid spill
A Safety Fax from Infection Control
Just say no to non-safety needles. Hepatitis B and C and HIV may betransmitted through straight needlesticks. Don't let it happen to you -- pledgeto use all safety devices and follow safe work practices.
Three (two significant) sharps injuries reported in 2000 were preventable ifthe proper device had been used ... straight needles will no longer be stockedfor general use.
Safety plastic cannula: IV access
Safety syringe: IM use
Safety blood draw: Blood draws
A Safety Fax from Employee Health
OSHA standards require PPE to protect the nose and mouth whenever exposure toblood/body fluid or chemical splashes are likely. HIV, HBV and HCV may be spreadthrough blood/body fluid contact with mucous membranes, and may cost up to$2,500 per exposure for follow-up/treatment.
Risky activities include:
Send out a slide show presentation via e-mail. Attach a short post-test toreturn for inservice credit. To encourage participation, place all participants'names in a drawing for a door prize.
Use holiday cards to send an infection control or employee health message.Consider writing a personal letter describing all the big happenings ininfection control over the past year (reminiscent of a holiday newsletter).Alternatively, re-write the lyrics to a popular holiday tune: "Wash yourhands, wash your hands, wash them all the day" to the tune of "JingleBells."
The calendar used to measure the temperature of refrigerators can be used todeliver a brief message on handwashing, nail length, blood and body fluidexposure, etc. We recommend using a graph to chart refrigerator temperatures.
Safety cards can be made using the postcard application of your wordprocessing program. Periodically pass out these cards while doing rounds, duringTB screening or flu vaccination or around holidays (safety trick or treat).Attach appropriate graphics and candy to make the card memorable, such as:
"I'm a sucker for needle safety."
I pledge to use all available safety devices and abide by safe workpractices!
(Attach a safety sucker)
"Be smart! Practice needle safety."
I pledge to use all available safety devices and abide by safe workpractices!
(Attach Smarties candies)
"Chews safety sharp devices."
Ten sharps injuries in 2000 were preventable if the proper device had beenused ... Don't let it happen to you - "Chews" to use safety devicesand follow safe work practices!
(Attach gum)
"Wage war on sharps injuries"
"I pledge to advocate safety device use among my fellow workers!"
(Attach warhead)
Distribute an employee newsletter. Give it a catchy title, such as V.I.E.W.S.(Valuable Infection control Employee health WellnessShorts). The objective of this newsletter is to provide accurateinformation on seasonal issues or diseases related to the control of infection,employee health and wellness and empower the employee to reduce modifiable riskfactors related to seasonal illness or injury and to aid the employee in makingnecessary lifestyle changes. A list serv for persons who publish in-housenewsletters is available. Send a message to subscribeIcEhNewsletter@yahoogroups.comto join. So don't re-invent the wheel; participate and share your ideas. Thereis no charge to participate.
E-mail can also be utilized to communicate short messages on infectioncontrol, employee health and wellness. An example for a catchy name isIcEhBriefs. Again, have employees take and return a short post-test and returnto be registered for a surprise packet. The post-test also allows you to checkreader comprehension.
Post messages (laminated) in the restrooms. Keep them short and easy to read.Again, develop a catchy title, such as "You're in here anyway; you may aswell be reading." Topics could include handwashing, nail length,tuberculosis, etc.
Night shift and weekend-only workers present a dilemma. Some of the aboveideas will work -- but here are a few more:
During your traditional classroom time, keep employees' ears open bydistributing BINGO cards to participants. Instead of numbers, use buzzwords suchas standard precautions, lice, handwashing, contact isolation, etc. During yourpresentation, participants fill in the card when you say the buzzword (or whenthe word shows on the screen). The first person to get all the words in a lineon his/her card wins a small door prize. Another inexpensive method is topurchase a double roll of tickets and give one to each participant. Periodicallyduring the inservice, draw a number and give away a small door prize like handlotion, pen on a rope, etc.
Even if you must buy the door prize yourself, the return on your purchase isworth the cost. The majority of persons enjoy walking away from an inservicewith a prize. And it helps them to remain alert during class and retaininformation.
A few other alternatives to traditional education are:
In conclusion, there are many ways to provide education that is both accurateand fun. In addition, the use of humor and novel ways of providing education mayboost retention of knowledge.
Melba Rhodes served as infection control coordinator at Huey P. LongMedical Center from 1989 to 2002 and is now an independent consultant. She is afounding member of the Central Louisiana Infection Control Coordinators (CLIPS),an organization dedicated to networking between infection control, employeehealth and central supply coordinators in Central Louisiana. Kathy Nugent hasworked in infection control and employee health at Huey P. Long Medical Centersince 1992. They co-publish a quarterly newsletter on infection control and havedevoted much of their careers to targeting behavioral changes through activelearning and experience.
Resources for the "goodies" mentioned in this article:
US Toys 1.800.448.7830
Oriental Trading Company 1.800.875.8480
MediBadge 1.800.228.0040
Insect Lore 1.800.LIVEBUG. Includes 5 cutters: Butterfly, Ladybug, Bee, Dragonfly, and Grasshopper
Bug Cookie Cutters (search for "bugs")
Bug Sugar cookies. & Personalized Buggy Tins
Bug Party Ideas
"Jitterbug Cookies" recipe
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