APIC Provides Education to Ambulatory Care Surveyors and Providers


From training surveyors to educating outpatient care staff, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is leading efforts to reduce infections in ambulatory care settings.

The centerpiece of the plan is an educational program Nov. 6-7 in Dallas. “Infection Prevention for Ambulatory Care: Meeting CMS Conditions for Coverage,” will  provide a foundation in infection prevention designed to help outpatient care providers  meet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised conditions for coverage. CMS now requires that ambulatory surgery centers maintain an ongoing program to prevent infections and communicable diseases and that they document the implementation of nationally recognized infection control guidelines. New funding will enable CMS to inspect ambulatory care facilities every three years.

“This live course has been specifically created for those who work in ambulatory care facilities to provide comprehensive infection prevention education to help them meet the regulations and better protect patients” said APIC CEO Kathy L. Warye.  “Attendees will learn how to build and manage an effective infection prevention program and understand how to comply with regulatory requirements. These are critical considerations for healthcare facilities.”

In addition to educating healthcare providers, APIC is also working with accrediting agencies. The leading accreditor for ambulatory surgery centers, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC), has selected APIC to provide infection prevention training to its surveyors.  Completed earlier this month, the training will enable surveyors to better assess infection control practices as required by CMS.

Additional components of APIC’s ambulatory care resources include:

• An at-your-desk learning series focusing on the prevention of surgical site infections

• APIC’s infection prevention text

• Quarterly newsletters on preventing infection in ambulatory care

“Education for the Prevention of Infection (EPI)” training courses

• Infection prevention process and procedure manual for ambulatory care

• Resources on disinfection and sterilization

• Webinars on a range of infection prevention topics

• Training to prepare for ambulatory surgery center inspections


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