Clorox Bleach Cream Cleanser Designed to Meet the Needs of Environmental Services


The Clorox Company announces the launch of Clorox® Bleach Cream Cleanser, its newest product specially designed for environmental services personnel who face the challenge of keeping hospital settings visibly clean. While more than 90 percent of acute care facilities are already using cream cleansers, more than two-thirds of these use acid-based cleansers. Now Clorox® Bleach Cream Cleanser, made with 1.3 percent sodium hypochlorite, contains a bleach formula that has been proven to work on the toughest stains found in hospital settings, from food and beverages to bodily fluids, soap scum and mildew stains.

"Environmental services faces many tough challenges when it comes to cleaning hospital facilities, where they encounter high levels of occupancy, frequent patient turnover, and limited time to clean extensive surfaces," says Craig Stevenson, vice president and general manager of the Clorox Away From Home Division. "Clorox® Bleach Cream Cleanser was specially formulated to meet their challenges, providing tough cleaning, and full coverage."

The new Clorox® Bleach Cream Cleanser has been tested for compatibility with most hospital surfaces such as sinks and tubs, toilets and countertops. It is gentle on hospital surfaces and can be used with confidence. It is also ideal for use in other settings like break rooms, kitchens and bathrooms where it can be used on kitchen countertops and appliance surfaces to remove even the toughest stains like coffee, grease, or blood.

Clorox® Bleach Cream Cleanser is the latest addition to the companys portfolio of products designed for environmental services, which includes Clorox® Germicidal Bleach Terminal Wipes, Dispatch® Bleach Spray and Clorox® Germicidal Bleach.

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