WASHINGTON, DC-Important numbers:
US Justice Department's Family Assistance Center Victims Hotline: 1-800-331-0075
Anyone with information about Tuesday's terrorist attacks is being asked to call the FBI at: 1-866-483-5137.
Army personnel assigned to the Pentagon Sept. 11 (or family members) call 1-800-984-8523 or 703-428-0002. Navy and Marine personnel assigned to the Pentagon should call 1-877-663-6772.
American Airlines: 1-800-245-0999
United Airlines: 1-800-932-8555
Pentagon: 1-877-663-6772
American Red Cross: 800-GIVELIFE or 800 GIVE BLOOD
To donate money to help feed those involved: 1-800-HELP NOW, specify "Disaster Relief Fund"
Those with medical backgrounds who want to help should contact the American Red Cross in their area.
Information from www.washingtonpost.com