Experts to Answer H1N1 Questions During Live Facebook Chat


People who have questions about the H1N1 flu can get answers from infectious disease experts at Rush University Medical Center during a one-hour, live Facebook chat to be held on Friday, Nov. 20 from 12 p.m. CT until 1 p.m. CT.

“Rush On-Call” will be the first information chat session hosted on the Rush University Medical Center Facebook page. Dr. James McAuley, director of pediatric infectious diseases, and Dr. Brian Harting, infectious disease expert, will answer questions that are posted on the wall of the hospital’s Facebook.

“There is a lot of information out there about H1N1 and people still have questions,” said McAuley. “We wanted to give parents, families, caregivers or anyone else who might have concerns about H1N1 direct access to experts so that they get the answers they are looking for.”

Infectious disease experts will answer questions about H1N1 such as, who are the priority groups to get the vaccination, how many vaccinations are needed to protect against H1N1, what are the symptoms, where can people get vaccinated, and how safe is it to get vaccinated.

To participate in the live Facebook chat, visit: and become a fan.

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