Fight HAIs and Contamination by Moving to Advantex® Single-Use Products


Floors, often overlooked in the past as a major factor of environmental contamination.

Floors, often overlooked in the past as a major factor of environmental contamination leading to increased HAI rates, are in fact, a contributor to this very expensive and life-impacting problem. Studies have shown that floors harbor HAI pathogen organisms.

Inadequately laundered mops can be reintroduced to the hospital with remnant HAI pathogens. This study evaluated laundered microfiber mops from 11 hospitals and found that 27.3% of the newly laundered mops contained microbial contamination, including HAI pathogens. To reduce HAI risk exposure, hospitals should convert to single-use microfiber mops. This study evaluated several brands of single-use microfiber mops and determined that differences vividly exist between brands on several critical criteria such as disinfectant neutralization, absorbency and dispersion/release efficacy, floor coverage, and wasted chemical solution.

Many hospitals are moving to single-use microfiber mops and wipes to help reduce the risk of HAIs from floor surfaces. Single-use mops remove the potential of cross-contamination with virgin microfiber in every use while eliminating the risk of efficacy degradation through microfiber structural breakdown or pathogen retainage in the mop, as a result of an inadequate laundering process.

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In business for over 80 years, Geerpres® offers a comprehensive approach for cleaning solutions and the healthcare industry. Their system includes EVS carts, mopping systems, Advantex® microfiber (single-use) products, and EVS management software. Distributors of microfiber and cleaning technology, Geerpres® helps reduce HAIs, cross-contamination, and the amount of chemicals used in the cleaning process.


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