HPV Vaccination Rates Rise, but Education Efforts Need Improvement


Despite a significant increase among young women receiving the vaccine that protects against human papillomavirus, HPV vaccination rates remain low and interest in vaccination slightly decreased between 2008 and 2010 according to new findings from the American Journal of Public Health. Findings also showed varying responses to the vaccination between different sociodemographic groups.

Using data from the National Health Interview Survey, researchers investigated the latest trends in HPV vaccination uptake, interest in vaccination from unvaccinated women and reasons for not becoming vaccinated among unvaccinated women. Surveyed participants were women between the ages of 18 and 26.

Results indicated that vaccination uptake increased from 11.6 percent to 34.1 percent between 2008 and 2012. The top reasons for unvaccinated women to remain unvaccinated remained largely the same between 2008 and 2010, as respondents cited lack of need, lack of knowledge and safety concerns. Additional findings found that vaccination rates among Hispanic women or women with limited access to care were particularly low. This population was also more likely to be interested in receiving the vaccine.

“Educational efforts and vaccination initiatives should easily fit into the schedules of young women. This may be achieved by offering vaccinations and vaccine information in neighborhood pharmacies and college health clinics,” the study’s authors suggest.

Source: American Public Health Association

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