Infection Control Today - 04/2002: April References


April References

"Best Practices for the Cleaning and Disinfection of SurgicalInstruments," by Ruth A. Le Texier, BSN, RN, page 14

1. Shultz JK: Decontamination: recommended practices. In Reichert, M., Young,JH: Sterilization technology for the health care facility. 2nd edition.Gaithersburg, Md., 1997, Aspen. pp. 10-20.

2. Atkinson LJ, Fortunato NH: Berry & Kohn's operating room technique.9th edition. St Louis, 2000, Mosby.

"Time Vs. Event: Preserving Sterile Package Integrity," by KellyM. Pyrek, page 16.


2. Gruendemann, BJ and Mangum, SS. Infection prevention in surgicalsettings. WB Saunders Co.: Philadelphia. P. 214.

3. Gruendemann, BJ and Mangum, SS. Infection prevention in surgicalsettings. WB Saunders Co.: Philadelphia. P. 212.

4. Gruendemann, BJ and Mangum, SS. Infection prevention in surgicalsettings. WB Saunders Co.: Philadelphia. P. 213.

5. AORN 2002 Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guidelines. P. 290.

6. Gruendemann, BJ and Mangum, SS. Infection prevention in surgicalsettings. WB Saunders Co.: Philadelphia. P. 213.

"Flash Sterilization: A Questionable Practice Requires ProperUsage," by Michelle Gardner, page 20

1. Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). Flashsterilization: steam sterilization of patient care items for immediate use.ANSI/AAMI ST37-1996.

2. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN). 2001 Standards,Recommended Practices and Guideline, p. 311.

3. Huggins KA, Mood R, Koch F. A process for improving flash sterilization. AORNJour. January 2002, Vol. 75, No. 1.

"Fighting Surgical Site Infections," by Bonnie M. Barnard, MPH,CIC, page 26

1. Martone WJ, Jarvis WR, Culver DH, Haley RW. Incidence and nature ofendemic and epidemic nosocomial infections. In: Bennet JV, Brachman PS, eds. HospitalInfections. 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Co; 1992. pp. 577-96.

2. Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, Silver LC, Jarvis WR, The HospitalInfection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for prevention ofsurgical site infection, 1999. Infec Control Hosp Epidemiol.1999;20(4):247-280.

3. Centers for Disease Control National Nosocomial Infections SurveillanceSystem.

4. No author. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery. Med Letter. DrugsTher October 29, 2001;(1116):92-97.

5. Dellinger EP, Gross PA, Barrett TL, Krause PJ, Martone WF, McGowan WE,Sweet EL, Wenzel RP. Quality standard for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgicalprocedures. Released in 1994 (reviewed 1998). Clin Infect Dis. 1994Mar:18(3):422-7.

6. Harbath S. Circulation. 2000; 101:2916-21.

7. Latham R, Lancaster AD, Covington JF, Pirolo JS, Thomas CS Jr. Theassociation of diabetes and glucose control with surgical site infections amongcardiothoracic surgery patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2001;1:22:607-612.

8. Furnary AP, Zerr KJ, Grunkemeier GL, and Starr A. Continuous intravenousinsulin infusion reduces the incidence of deep sternal wound infection indiabetic patients after cardiac surgical procedures. Ann Thorac Surg.1999 67:352-360.

9. Greif R, Akca O, Horn EP, Kruz A, Sessler DI. Supplemental perioperativeoxygen to reduce the incidence of wound infection. NEJM.2000;342(3):161-7.

Harbath S. Circulation. 2000; 101:2916-21.

9. McConkey SJ, L'Ecuyer PB, Murphy DM, Leet TL, Sundt TM, Fraser VJ. Resultsof a comprehensive infection control program for reducing surgical-siteinfections in coronary artery bypass surgery. Infec Control Hosp Epidemiol.1999;20(8):238-247.

10. Richards C, Emori TG, Peavy G, Gayes R. Promoting quality throughmeasurement of performance and response: prevention success stories. EmergingInfectious Diseases. 2001;7(2):299-301.

"Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: An Update," byMichelle Gardner, page 34.

1. Lemonick MD. How to keep the doctor away., Jan. 21, 2002 -Jan. 27, 2002. Time.

2. Lemonick MD, Park, A. Vaccines stage a comeback., Jan. 21,2002 - Jan. 27, 2002. Time.

3. Kluger J. A public mess., Jan. 21, 2002 - Jan. 27, 2002. Time.

4. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). PAHO regional plan for emergingdiseases. June 1995.

5. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).Understanding emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases,",not dated.

6. Fidler, DP. The globalization of public health: emerging infectiousdiseases and international relations. 1997.

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Preventing emerginginfectious diseases: a strategy for the 21st century. 1998.

8. Heymann DL. The urgency of a massive effort against infectious diseases.Presented before the Committee on International Relations U.S. House ofRepresentatives, June 29, 2000.

9. Hughes JM. Emerging infectious and non-infectious disease in the UnitedStates. Health seminar series on emerging diseases.

"Managing Infection During Handwashing with a Newly PatentedActivated Triclosan Technology," by Thomas L. Kovach, page 38

1. Allawala NA and Riegelman SJ. Journal of American PharmaceuticalAssociation. 1953, 42, 5, 267-275.

2. Taylor TJ, Seitz EP, Fox PS. US Patent 6 107 261.

3. Test data on file at Hill Top Research Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio. (Study#01-109083-11) (2001) following current revision of ASTM E-1174-00, StandardTest Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Healthcare Personnel orConsumer Handwash Formulations. The study protocol is filed with documentcontrol under file number TM&R-0288-01-MRB.

4. Garner JS and Favero MS. CDC guidelines for handwashing and hospitalenvironmental control, 1985. Amer Journ of Infect Con. 1986 June: Volume14 (3), 110-29.

5. Bryan JL, Cohran J and Larson E., Handwashing: a ritual revisited.Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 1995 Dec.: 7: (4) 617-25

6. Doebbeling BN, Stanley GL, Sheetz CT, et al. Comparative efficacy ofalternative handwashing agents in reducing nosocomial infections in intensivecare units. New Eng Journ of Med. 1992; 327:88-93.

7. Groschel DHM, Pruett TL. Surgical antisepsis. In Block SS. ed. Disinfection,sterilization and preservation. 4th edition. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger,1991:642-54.

8. Lowbury EJL, Lilly HA, Ayliffe GA J. Preoperative disinfection ofsurgeons's hands: use of alcoholic solutions and the effects of gloves on skinflora. British Medical Journal. 1974:4:369-72.

9. Eckert DG, Ehrenkranz NJ, Alfonso BC. Indications for alcohol or blandsoap in removal of aerobic gram negative bacteria: by a novel method. InfectCont and Hosp Epidem. 1989; 10:306-11.

10. Larson EL, Morton HE. Alcohols. In Block SS, ed. Disinfection,sterilization and preservation. 4th edition. Philadelphia: Lea &Febringer, 1991:191-203.

11. Larson EL. APIC guideline for handwashing and hand antisepsis inhealthcare settings. Amer Journ of Infect Con. 1995 (APIC); 23: 251-269.

12. ibid.

13. Paulson D. A comparative evaluation of different hand cleansers. Dairy,Food and Environmental Sanitation. Sept. 1994 Vol. 14, No.9: 524-528.

14. Paulson D. ET. Al. A closer look at alcohol gel as an ant microbialsanitizing agent. American Journal of Infection Control (APIC). August, 1999Volume 27, No. 4:332-338.

15. ibid.

16. Webster J. Handwashing in neonatal intensive care nursery: productacceptability and effectiveness of 4 percent chlorhexidine and triclosan 1percent. Journal of Hospital Infect. 1992; 21:237-41.

17.Larson EL. APIC guideline for handwashing and hand antisepsis in healthcare settings. American Journal of Infection Control (APIC). 1995. 23:251-269

Best Practices: TB Prevention and Control in Special Populations, by PatTydell, RN. MSN, MPH, page 50

1. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR.Tuberculosis elimination revisited: obstacles, opportunities, and a renewedcommitment. Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET). Aug.13, 1999. Vol. 48. No. RR-9.

2. National Academies Office of News and Public Information. Tuberculosis:will a global problem become a national threat.

3. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR.Recommendations for prevention and control of tuberculosis among foreign-bornpersons. Sept. 18, 1998. Vol. 47. No. RR-14.

4. US Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service.Statistical yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1996.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997.

5. US Census Bureau. The foreign-born population: 1996; P20-494 and PPL-59 (, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau, 1998.

6. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR. Guidelinesfor preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcarefacilities. Oct. 28, 1994. Vol. 43 No. RR-13.

7. Moore M., et al. Trends in drug-resistant tuberculosis in the UnitedStates, 1993-1996. JAMA. 1997; 278:833-

8. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR. Preventionand control of tuberculosis in facilities providing long-term care to theelderly-recommendations of the advisory committee for elimination oftuberculosis. July 13, 1990 Vol. 39. No. RR-10.

9. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR. Essentialcomponents of tuberculosis prevention and control program-screening fortuberculosis and tuberculosis infection in high-risk populations. Sept. 8, 1995.Vol. 44 No. RR-11.

10. US Department of Health and Human Services. (CDC) MMWR. Preventionand control of tuberculosis in correctional facilities-recommendations of theadvisory council for the elimination of tuberculosis. June 7, 1996. Vol. 45 No.RR-8.

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