Infection Control Today - 05/2004: Product Locator



SonoCheck provides immediate feedback that cavitation hasoccurred. SonoCheck will change color during a typical cycle when theultrasonic cleaner is supplying sufficient energy and conditions are correct. Problems such as insufficient energy, overloading, waterlevel, improper temperature and degassing will increase the time needed for thecolor change. In the case of major problems, the SonoCheck will not change colorat all.

(800) 521-6224

Health Care Logistics

Daschner bin liners improve patient care by providing a moreconsistent, efficient and convenient method of maintaining clean, disease-freemedication drawers and medical storage bins. Designed by pharmacists forpharmacists, these cost-effective bin liners are easy to use, and require nocleaning.

(800) 848-1633

Air Science Technologies, Inc.

Air Science Technologies, Inc. presents the new range of DWSDownflow Workstations. The workstations are a low-cost solution for clean-airrequirements. The DWS Workstation is specifically designed to provide asmall bench-mounted unit with unrestricted access for those operations that aredifficult to perform in a conventional fume hood.


Medline Industries, Inc.

The Aurora gown, the newest member of Medlines Proxima lineof disposable protective surgical apparel and products, features DuPontsSuprel medical fabric. This bi-component fabric is made of polyester forstrength and polyethylene for comfort.


Spectrum Surgical Instruments Corp.

Spectrum Surgical Instruments Corp. introduces a new style ofstifle retractor for use in orthopedic surgery. Made from the finest Germanstainless surgical steel, this Gelpi style retractor measures 5 inches in lengthand has a 6mm profile, which allows for easy insertion into even small kneejoints. This instrument comes complete with a lifetime warranty.

(800) 444-5644

Sage Products

The Q Care Oral Cleansing and Suctioning System helpsclinicians address oral care risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia(VAP). Q Care is compatible with standard suction equipment. By providing adedicated line for comprehensive oral cleansing and suctioning, it alsomaintains closed tracheal system compliance. Interchangeable tools include theCovered Yankauer, which features a retractable sheath that closes between uses.Other tools include the Suction Oral Brush, the Suction Oral Swab, and theSuction Catheter.

(800) 323-2220

Kimberly-Clark Professional

Kimberly-Clark Professional is extending its line of KIMTECHPREP Wipers for the WETTASK® Refillable Wiping System and offering customersthe opportunity to receive one free dispenser bucket with the purchase of a caseof wipers. The new KIMTECH PREP Wiper is a meltdown base sheet that can be usedwith bleach or solvents. Each sheet measures 12 inches by 12.25 inches, andthere are six rolls of 90 sheets per case along with a free dispensing bucket.


OraSure Technologies, Inc.

The OraQuick® HIV-1/2 test provides another option for peoplewho might be afraid of a blood test. The OraQuick HIV-1/2 test is the firstrapid, point-of-care test approved by the FDA for use with oral fluid, fingerstick and venipuncture whole blood, and plasma samples.

The FDA approved the use of the test in detecting antibodiesto HIV-1 in oral fluid and antibodies to both HIV-1 and HIV-2 in plasma samples.The test had received prior FDA approval for use in detecting antibodies to bothvirus types in finger stick and venipuncture whole blood samples.


Donovan Industries

Donovan Industries introduces the Dawnmist Triple PlayDisposable razor. The Triple Play offers many features not found in otherinstitutional razors: three stainless steel blades for a close cut; alubrication strip for safety and comfort; a ribbed, contoured handle for asecure grip; and a swivel head that follows the contours of the skin.



Hi-Lo® Evac Endotracheal Tubes with Evacuation Lumen fromNellcor are ideal for oral or nasal intubations during critical care orlong-term applications. An integral suction lumen allows continuous aspirationof the subglottic space above the ET tube cuff without risking trauma to thevocal cords. Hi-Lo Evac ET tubes provide a safe, convenient way to suctionpooled secretions that contaminate the lower respiratory tract and can causeventilator-associated pneumonia.


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