Colby Manufacturing
Colby Manufacturing Corporation introduces a new absorbent padin the SurgiSafe family of floor pads for the control of fluid waste in the OR.The new True Blue SurgiSafe pad is extra absorbent to soak up larger amounts offluids during very wet procedures, and its fluid-barrier backing traps fluidwithin the absorbent material. Complete fluid containment means that the floorremains dry underneath the pad, protecting healthcare workers and decreasing ORturnover time. The backing is designed to be skid-resistant, thus reducing sliphazards. (800) 969-3718
Sandel Medical Industries
The disposable Weighted Safety Scalpel is weighted for thesame feel and look as reusable handle scalpels. Complying with OSHArequirements, the scalpel is designed to protect healthcare personnel duringsharps transfer and provides the safest method for passing the scalpel during asurgical procedure that is comfortable for the surgeons and does not interferewith their preferred technique. The scalpel is available in both weighted andnonweighted versions. (866) 764-3327 or
Nextteq, LLC
PiezOptic is a revolutionary dosimeter badge gas detectionsystem able to detect even the smallest levels of glutaraldehyde. PiezOpticmakes it easy to monitor daily occupational exposure levels for personnel whowork with or within the vicinity of toxic gases and vapors. The PiezOptic systemconsists of small passive dosimeter badges and a generic reader. The badges aresimple, lightweight, cost-effective and disposable, eliminating re-useinaccuracies. They are available to take both short-term and long-term exposuresand have a measuring range of 5-100 ppb. By inserting the badge into the reader,the user obtains instantaneous, quantitative results. No special expertise,training or preparation is required. PiezOptic Glutaraldehyde TWA badges providea longer sampling time than OSHAs analytical air sampling methods and do notrequire an extra sample to complete an eight-hour test (877) 312-2333
Trademark Medical
Blade-Safe is designed to safely remove surgical blades fromscalpel handles while providing a method for safe disposal of used surgicalblades. Blade-Safe is for use with blades up to and including size #20 onreusable #3 and #4 handles only. Blade-Safe is available in bulk or packagedsingly as either sterile or nonsterile. (800) 325-9044
Sempermed Offers Premium Powdered Surgical Glove
Sempermed has designed the Sempermed DERMA plus PowderedSurgical Glove with the specialized needs of the surgeon in mind. DERMA plusdelivers comfort, barrier protection and value. DERMA plus offers the comfortand ease of donning for both wet and dry hands. The broader, anatomical designof DERMA plus allows for an excellent fit while reducing hand fatigue. The micro-rough surface offers sensitivity and a safe grip,wet or dry. The beaded cuff increases strength and protection. With a low AQLValue of 1.0, DERMA plus affords optimum safety. (800) 366-9545
Ecolab Inc.
The new Huntington brand Endure 320 Advanced Care WaterlessAntimicrobial Hand Rinse with Moisturizers is formulated to provide advancedmildness, efficacy and skin protection. The formula is based on 62 percent ethylalcohol along with a lotion base containing advanced emollients and skinconditioners to keep skin feeling smooth and soft. Endure 320 complies with theCDCs Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Setting and is compatible withCHG, lotions and latex gloves.
The CDC at a Crossroads: Budget Cuts, Public Health, and the Growing Threat of Infectious Diseases
March 12th 2025Budget cuts to the CDC threaten disease surveillance, outbreak response, and public health programs, increasing risks from measles, avian flu, and future pandemics while straining health care infrastructure nationwide.
Standing Up for Science: A Rally Participant’s Perspective
March 11th 2025Infection Control Today's Editorial Advisory Board member and contributing editor, Heather Stoltzfus, MPH, RN, CIC, recently joined the Stand Up for Science rally in Washington, DC. She gives a first-person perspective on the rally and the rally-goers' strong message.