Infection Control Today


February 2001

Is it Time to Stop Using Powder as a Donning Agentfor Gloves? By: Denis M. Korniewicz and Christopher D. Martin

1. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and radiological Health,Medical Glover Powder Report, September 1997: 15.

2. Postlewait, RW, Howard HI & Schanher PW (1948) Comparison of tissuereaction to talc and modified starch glove powder. Surgery, 22-29.

3. Brynjolfsson G, Eshaghy B, Talano JV & Gunnar R. (1977). Granulomatousmycocarditis secondary to cornstarch. American Heart Journal, 94 (#),353-358.

4. Moriber-Katz S, Goldstein S, Ferluga D, Greenstein SM et al. (1988).Contaminaton of perfused donor kidneys by starch from surgical gloves. AmericanJournal of Clinical Pathology, 90 (1), 81-84.

5. Osman, M. & Jensen, S. (1999). Surgical gloves: Current problems. WorldJournal of Surgery, 23 (7), 630-637.

6. Jermesch, C., Spackman G., Dodge, W. & Salazar, A. (1999). Effect ofpowder-free latex examination glove use on airborne powder levels in a dentalschool clinic. Journal of Dental Education, 63(11), 814-820.

7. Anonymous. (1997). AAAAI and ACAAI joint statement concerning the sue ofpowdered and non-powdered natural rubber latex gloves. Annals of Allergy& Immunology, 79(6), 487.

8. Woods, J., Morgan R., Watkins F. & Edlich, R. (1997). Surgical glovelubricants: From toxicity to opportunity. The Journal of Emergency Medicine,15 (2), 209-220.

9. Vage Dl, Garred P, Lea T & Mollness TE (1990). Elutable factors fromLatex-containing materials activate complement and inhibit cell proliferation.An in vitro biocompatibility study of medical devices. Complement Inflam,7, 63-70.

10. Jackson, E., Arnette, J., Martin, M., Tahir, W., Frost-Arner, L. &edlich, R. (2000). A global inventory of hospitals using powder-free gloves: Asearch for principled medical leadership. The Journal of Emergency Medicine,18(2), 241-246.

11. De Grout, H., De Gong, N.W., Duijster El, Van Wijk R et al. Prevalence ofnatural rubber latex allergy (type I and type IV in laboratory workers in theNetherlands. Contact Dermatits, 1998; 38:159.

12. Kujula VM, Reijul KE. Glove-induced derman and respiratory symptoms amonghealthcare workers in one Finnish hospital. Am J Med 1995; 28:89.

13. Stein, H. (1997). Powder-free gloves for ophthalmic surgery. Journalof Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 23(5), 714-717.

14.Romig, C. (1997). Health policy issues: The powdered latex glove war. AORNJournal, 66(1), 152-153.

15.Williams PB, Haley JF, Endotoxin as a factor in adverse reactions to latexgloves. Ann Allergy Asthma Immune. 1997: 79:303.

16.Kibby T, Akl M. Prevalence of latex sensitization in a hospital employeepopulation. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 1997; 78: 41.

17.Yassin MS, Leirl MB, Fisher TJ Obrien K, Cross J et al. Latex allergy inhospital employees Ann. Allergy 1994: 72:245.

A Brave New World By: Mark Salomon

1. New Requirements for Hospital Reprocessors of Single-Use Devices focus ofAMMI/FDA Seminar, (News Release, Arlington, VA: Association for the Advancementof Medical Instrumentation, August 14, 2000)

2. FDA Enforcement Priorities for Single-Use Devices Reprocessed by ThirdParties and Hospitals, p. 6.

3. FDA Guidance or Reprocessed Single-Use Devices, A Message to AHA &ASHCSP Members. (Regulatory Advisory, Chicago: American Hospital Association,September 7, 2000).

4. General Accounting Office (GAO) (2000), Single Use Medical Devices: LittleAvailable Evidence of Harm From Reuse, but Oversight Warranted, LetterReport, GAO/HEHS-00-123, June 20 2000:25.

5. Shinkman, Ron. Outsourcing on the Upswing: Health providers are farmingout our services to spend less money. Modern Healthcare, 2000;30(37):46-54.

Care of Endoscopic Instrumentation by: Eileen Young

1. Endoscopes: Tough problems with their cleaning and reprocessing. ORManager. 1990;6:1-7.

2. Garner JS, Favero MS. Guidelines for handwashing and hospitalenvironmental control. Am J Infect Control. 1985;14:110-126.

3. Good hospital practice: Handling and biological decontamination ofreusable medical devices (American National Standard) designation. Arlington,VA; Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1992;669-690.

4. Milner NA. A system approach to patient-safe rigid and flexibleendoscopes: A microbiologists point of view. J Healthcare MaterialManagement.1992;10:3.

Young EC. A disinfectant guide. Urologic Nursing. 1990;9-7.

Safety, FDA Requirements and an Effective Recall Process by: Edwin Ross

1. FDA Web site,

2. Inside Perspectives. JCAHO, November, 2000.

3. Ross, E S. Using Biological Monitoring to Reduce Infection, Risk, andCosts. Surgical Services Management. 4;7, July 1998: 37-41.

4. Ethylene Oxide Sterilization in Health Care Facilities: Safety andEffectiveness (AAMI/FDS ST41R). Association for the Advancement of MedicalInstrumentation, 1999:114-116.

5. Flash Sterilization: Steam sterilization of patient care items forimmediate use. (ANSI/AAMI ST37). Association for the Advancement ofMedical Instrumentation, 1996:14-15.

6. Good hospital practice: Steam sterilization and sterility assurance(ANSI/AAMI ST46). Association for the Advancement of MedicalInstrumentation, 1993:22-33.

7. Steam sterilization and sterility assurance in office-based,ambulatory-care medical and dental facilities (ANSI/AAMI ST42).Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1992:12-17.

8. Recommended Practice for Central Service: Sterilization. AmericanSociety for Healthcare Central Service Personnel of the American HospitalAssociation. 6; 1989:26.

9. Safe Medical Devices Act. Requirements of Laws and RegulationsEnforced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, III. Biological Poducts andVI. Medical Devices. 1990.

10. Best Practices: Recall. Infection Control Today. 3; 5. May1999:68-70.

The Donning of a New Era by: Adrian Corbett

1. Heymann D, MD executive director - World Health Organization (WHO) CNN.comJune 2000.

2. CDC Handwashing- The Semmelweis lesson forgotten. 1994.

3. Dyer DL, PhD. Handwashing: Problems & Solutions: Part 2. InfectionControl Today. May 2000; 4: 44.

4. Donaldson Kathy. Creating a latex-safe environment: converting topowder-free gloves.Infection Control Today, February 2000; 4: 32-34.

5. Ellis H. The hazards of surgical glove dusting powders. Surgery,Gynecology & Obstetrics. 1990, 171: 521 - 527.

6. Thompson BL, Dwyer DM, Ussery XT, Denman S, Vacek P, Schwartz B.Handwashing and glove use in a long-term-care facility. Infection Control andHospital Epidemiology. February 1997.

7. Shields JW, Hannigan P. Examination gloves may spread infection. TheLancet.1998: 351: 571

There were no other article references submitted for February 2001

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