PCI medical
The TD-100 is the only automated disinfector fortransesophageal (TEE) probes. Designed to eliminate the need for manualreprocessing of these delicate probes, the TD-100 is similar in function to thewidely used endoscopic reprocessors found in most CS and endoscopy departments,but automatically completes the disinfection and rinse cycles in less than 18minutes. The TD- 100 uses a fresh bottle of TD-5 (a glutaraldehyde-baseddisinfectant) for each cycle. The TD-5 bottle is pierced inside the TD-100 toeliminate splashes and spills and the advanced vapor management system adsorbschemical vapors, further protecting the user. A printed validation is generatedat the end of the completed cycle.
(800) 862-3394
Wilshire Works
Sanipull features a smooth vinyl ribbon profile and isdesigned to replace traditional pulls such as gauze, string, cord, and ballchain. Sanipull offers a proactive role in infection prevention by helping tominimize the potential for cross-contamination. It is durable and easy toinstall.
(705) 706-0227
ARJOs Bariatric MaxiSlide products offer a full line ofsliding surfaces including MaxiSlide sheets, and small body length tubes for bedboosting and lateral transfers. The MaxiSlide products virtually eliminate physical strain onstaff when performing in-bed transfer and movement tasks, according to thecompany. The sheets are designed to prevent skin irritation, friction, and shearsince the patient remains on the same surface throughout the transfer, withmovement occurring between two layers of the sheets. These sliding sheets alsomake applying slings onto very large patients easier.
(800) 323-1245
The ValiMed System, a new medication safety technology thataccurately validates medications and concentrations in seconds, uses ultraviolet(UV) light in conjunction with sophisticated software and a simple userinterface to verify both solid and liquid medications. ValiMed is used forend-product testing to validate high-impact medications and multi-dose batchesare compounded accurately before being dispensed to patients. ValiMed also maybe used to validate narcotic returns and detect counterfeit medications.
(770) 420-9120
Tyco Fire & Security
Tyco Fire & Security introduces the Ansul® Cleanguard® Non-Magnetic Fire Extinguisher, a Halon 1211replacement portable fire extinguisher for use in hazard areas that requirereliable, safe, and portable non-magnetic fire suppression in hazardapplications such as MRI rooms and other sensitive areas. Listed by bothUnderwriters Laboratories Inc. and Underwriters Laboratory of Canada, andapproved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cleanguard can be safelydischarged in the presence of a patient, will not deplete the ozone, and islower in toxicity than comparable Halon alternative extinguishing agents.
(561) 988-7200
General Data
Personal ID AC patient identification wristbands aredesigned to help hospitals enhance patient identification efforts by using acombination of bar code technology and patient photos on durable, easy-to-printwristbands. As a result, hospitals can eliminate errors, reduce costs, enhancepatient safety and care, address regulatory requirements, and prevent fraud.Personal ID AC wristbands are printed using direct thermal printing technologyand features an adhesive closure that can be adjusted to fit patients of allsizes, from children to adults.
(800) 733-5252
Critical Care Disinfectant-Virucide-Fungicide delivers a30-second kill on most common bacteria and a continuing 24-hour residual kill ina low toxicity formulation. Critical Care is odorless, ready-to-use, and does not leave asticky or dulling residue. Ideal for use where communicable diseases can easily betransmitted and is effective on all non-porous surfaces.
(800) 281-9604
Enthermics Medical Systems
The EC1950bl is a dual-chambered warming cabinet withindependent touch keypad controls. The upper fluid compartment holds up to 30liters and can be set to warm either irrigation or injection fluids. Temperature range for injection fluids is 90 degrees to 110degrees Fahrenheit (F), while the range for irrigation fluid is 90 degrees to150 degrees F. The blanket chamber temperature can be set as high as 200 degreesF and the lower blanket chamber has a capacity of 14 cubic feet. The warmer alsofeatures glass doors, locking casters, rugged hinges and latches, and aheavy-duty stainless steel construction.
(800) 862-9276
Sempermeds new Syntegra SIS Surgical Glove is manufacturedwith a patented styrene-isoprene-styrene copolymer that lacks processingaccelerator chemicals, which have been identified as the cause of mostgloverelated sensitivities. A chlorination-free formula eliminates the slipperyfeel and strong odor often associated with chlorinated gloves. For those whoprefer added protection, Sempermed Syntegra can be double-gloved.
(800) 366-9545
Healthmark Industries Co.
Healthmarks Super Absorbent Tray Liners are produced frompure cellulose EFG wood pulp, manufactured with low chloride and sulphatecontent, and are free from optical dyes. The liners can be safely used next todelicate instruments during sterilization to absorb and rapidly dispersecondensate for complete evaporation greatly facilitating the production ofdry packs and assisting the sterilization process.
(800) 521-6224
Standing Up for Science: A Rally Participant’s Perspective
March 11th 2025Infection Control Today's Editorial Advisory Board member and contributing editor, Heather Stoltzfus, MPH, RN, CIC, recently joined the Stand Up for Science rally in Washington, DC. She gives a first-person perspective on the rally and the rally-goers' strong message.