Infection Control Today: References



"Is the Wait Over? Revised Isolation and TB Guidelines Could Be Released This Summer," by John Roark, page 12.
1. CDC. Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities. 2005. p. 14.

"Apparel in the Hospital: What to Wear, Where?" by Kathy Dix, page 28.
2. AORN 2004 Standards, Recommended Practices and Guidelines.
3. Seavey R. The Children's Hospital Dress Code for Sterile Processing (SPD-003), April 2003.
4. Am J Infect Control. 1997;25:401-4.

"Disposable Items Help Prevent Healthcare-Acquired Infections," by Larry Bush, MD, page 42.
1. Hota B. Contamination, Disinfection and Cross-Colonization: Are Hospital Surfaces Reservoirs for Nosocomial Infections? CID, 2004; 39:1182-1187
2. Mandell, Douglas and Bennett's Principles and Practices of Infectious Diseases. Elsevier. Churchill-Livingstone. Philadelphia, Pa, 2005.

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