Sept 2002 References



"Choosing Surface Disinfectants," by Kathryn Dix, page 14.

1. National Institutes of Health, Division of Safety. Biologicaldecontamination: methods of disinfection.

2. Crawford L, Yu Z, Keegan L, Yu T. A comparison of commonly used surfacedisinfectants. Infection Control Today. November 2000, 1-9.

3. OSHA. Frequently Asked Questions: Bloodborne Pathogens.

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sterilization or disinfectionof patient-care equipment: HIV related.

5. Rutala WA. APIC guideline for selection and use of disinfectants. Am JInfect Control. 1996;24:313-342.

6. Rutala WA, Weber DJ. New disinfection and sterilization methods. EmergingInfect Diseases. 2001; 7(2): 348-53.

7. 08/06/02.

Battling Biofilm: Surface Science, Antimicrobials Help Combat MedicalDevice-Related Infections," by Kelly M. Pyrek, page 32.

1. Katz J. Coating and surface treatment technology.

2. Lin TL, et al. Antimicrobial coatings: a remedy for medical device-relatedinfections.

3. Donlan RM. Biofilms and device-related infections.

4. Ibid.

5. Katz J. Coating and surface treatment technology.

6. Lin TL, et al. Antimicrobial coatings: a remedy for medical device-relatedinfections.  

7. Maki DG. Infections due to infusion therapy. In: Bennett JV, Brachman PS,eds. Hospital Infections. 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown; 1992.

8. Plott R, Polk B, Murdock B, et al. Mortality associated with nosocomialurinary tract infection. New Engl J Med. 30(11):637-642, 1982.

9. Watson SK, Lichtenberg DA, Wainwright H. Technology vs. the most commonnosocomial infection. Infection Control Today.

10. Maki DG, Stolz SM, Wheeler S, Mermel LA. Prevention of central venouscatheter-related bloodstream infection by use of an antiseptic-impregnatedcatheter. Ann Intern Med. 1997;127:267-74.

11. Raad I, Darouiche R, Dupuis J, Abi-Said D, Gabrielli A, Hachem R, et al.Central venous catheters coated with minocycline and rifampin for the preventionof catheter-related colonization and bloodstream infections. Ann Intern Med.1997;127:267-74.


13. Davis RL and Etris SF. The development and functions of silver in waterpurification and disease control. The Silver Institute, Washington, D.C.

14. Silver-coated catheters cut infection.

15. Katz J. Coating and surface treatment technology.

16. Rosenblatt AA and Knapp JE. Chlorine dioxide gas sterilization. HIMAConference Proceedings, pp 47-50.

"Fighting the Flu," by Susan Dolan, RN, MS, CIC, page 46

1. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2000 red book: report of the Committee onInfectious Diseases. 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy ofPediatrics, 2000:351-9.

2. Bolyard EA, Tablan OC, Williams WW, et al., for the Hospital InfectionControl Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for infection control in healthcare personnel. Am J Infect Control. 1998;26:289-354.

3. CDC. Prevention and control of influenza. Recommendations of the AdvisoryCommittee On Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 2002; 51(RR03):1-31.

4. CDC. Delayed influenza vaccine availability for the 2001-02 season andsupplemental recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices[Notice to readers]. MMWR 2001;50:582-5.

5. Garner JS, for the Hospital Infection Control Practices AdvisoryCommittee. Guideline for isolation precautions in hospitals. Infect Control HospEpidemiol. 1996;17:53-80.

6. Hendrick JA, Barzilai A, Behre U, et al. Zanamivir for treatment ofsymptomatic influenza A and B infection in children five to twelve years of age:a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2000;19:410-17.

7. MIST (Management of Influenza in the Southern Hemisphere Trialists) StudyGroup. Randomised trial of efficacy and safety of inhaled zanamivir in treatmentof influenza A and B virus infections. Lancet. 1998;352:1877-81.

8. Monto AS, Fleming DM, Henry D, et al. Efficacy and safety of theneuraminidase inhibitor zanamivir in the treatment of influenza A and B virusinfections. J Infect Dis. 1999;180:254-61.

9. Neuzil KM, Dupont WD, Wright PF, Edwards KM. Efficacy of inactivated andcold-adapted vaccines against influenza A infection, 1985--1990: the pediatricexperience. Pediatr Infect Disease J. 2001;20:733-40.

10. Whitley RJ, Hayden FG, Reisinger KS, et al. Oral oseltamivir treatment ofinfluenza in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2001;20:127-33.

11. Internet resources:

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