Take 5 minutes to catch up on Infection Control Today’s highlights for the week ending April 8.
Here are 5 highlights from ICT®’s wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders, to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs.
1. Despite Safety Alerts, Contaminated Flexible Endoscopes Continue to Put Patients at Risk.
From 2014 to 2021, continued FDA reports of multidrug-resistant bacteria contaminating 6 types of endoscopes have had fatal consequences.
2. The FDA Issues Urgent Warning About Karl Storz Endoscopes Reprocessing Methods
The letter comes after a year of reprocessing validation testing and a voluntary medical device recall.
3. In-Use Disinfectant Bucket Identified as Source of Contamination in Hospital
The contamination was found during another study that involved culturing surfaces before and after routine daily cleaning/disinfection.
4. Viewpoint: New UK Data Show BA.2 Variant Produces More Frequent Hospitalizations Than Omicron
Evidence shows the BA.2 variant is more infectious and virulent than the Omicron variant.
5. Higher Flu Vaccination Rates for Home Health Care Workers Improves Patient Outcomes
A recent study's results also could indicate how other vaccinations, including COVID-19 and pneumonia, affect patients.
Standing Up for Science: A Rally Participant’s Perspective
March 11th 2025Infection Control Today's Editorial Advisory Board member and contributing editor, Heather Stoltzfus, MPH, RN, CIC, recently joined the Stand Up for Science rally in Washington, DC. She gives a first-person perspective on the rally and the rally-goers' strong message.