Take 5 minutes to catch up on Infection Control Today’s highlights for the week ending September 2.
Here are 5 highlights from ICT®’s wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders, to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs.
The Autumn COVID-19 Booster Is Here: Is it Safe and Effective?
Starting September first, the first of the autumn boosters will begin to be available, but individuals may be concerned about their efficacy and safety. Infection Control Today® looks at the data.
COVID-19 Vaccines Provide Protection for Pregnant Individuals and Fetal Outcomes
Despite the gap of the current and desired rate of COVID-19 vaccinations of pregnant individuals, the systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 observational studies show the vaccines are safe and effective.
Ultrasound Transducers: Avoiding Gel Contamination and Using Proper Level Disinfection
Having complete IV start kits or central line insertion kits to reduce gel type variability and, thus gel contamination and following AIUM and INS disinfection recommendations are 2 ways to prevent health care-acquired infections.
Bug of the Month: Rare but Deadly
Bug of the Month helps educate readers about existing and emerging pathogens of clinical importance in health care facilities today.
Infection Control Today's® Product Locator for September 2022
Infection Control Today's® Product Locator is a monthly column highlighting some of the latest advanced technology in the infection prevention field.