Take 5 minutes to catch up on Infection Control Today’s highlights for the week ending October 28.
Here are 5 highlights from Infection Control®'s (ICT®’s) wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders, to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs.
Temporary Isolation Wards During COVID-19 Pandemic Prove Effective Against Transmission Risk
Temporary isolation wards were used continually throughout 2021, during a surge in community transmission driven by the COVID-19 Delta variant, but were the wards effective in keeping down environmental transmission?
Big Germs, Little Lives: Improving Hand Hygiene Through Behavior Modification in the NICU
Using behavior modification to keep the hospitals' tiniest patients safer.
Nurses and Infection Preventionists: An Integral Partnership
Infection preventionists and perioperative nurses should collaborate to track and share infection rate data and participate in interdisciplinary workgroups to emphasize patient safety amid burnout and staffing and supply shortages.
The 3 C’s: Collaboration
"Although we have numerous strategies for improving prevention and control in our facilities," Heather Saunders, MPH, RN, CIC, in her third and final of 3 series on the 3'Cs of how to be a successful IP. "All too often these strategies fall short of succeeding." Why? Lack of collaboration. Read on to see how IPs can use the 3 C's to be more successful IPs.
Monkeypox Outbreak: Answers for Patients
Giving and receiving the correct information is vital to alleviate patients' reservations and fears. The recent monkeypox outbreak has caused concern and misinformation. ICT® has the answers health care workers need.
Standing Up for Science: A Rally Participant’s Perspective
March 11th 2025Infection Control Today's Editorial Advisory Board member and contributing editor, Heather Stoltzfus, MPH, RN, CIC, recently joined the Stand Up for Science rally in Washington, DC. She gives a first-person perspective on the rally and the rally-goers' strong message.