Wipak Medical and Healthmark Industries Acquire Kimberly-Clarks Peel Pouch Business


Healthmark Industries Co., Inc. of St. Clair Shores, Mich. and Wipak Medical of Nastola, Finland announce the acquisition and assumption of Kimberly-Clark Health Cares peel pouch business. Wipak is a global leader in the production and marketing of flexible packaging, including peel pouches. Healthmark, founded in 1969, is a leading supplier of innovative products and solutions for central sterilization, including sterilization packaging and accessories.

The acquisition will allow Healthmark and Wipak to establish a broader line of sterilization packaging in the market while allowing Kimberly-Clark to focus on innovation in the rest of its line of clinically preferred medical devices and supplies.

As of Nov. 30, 2007, the Kimberly-Clark worldwide peel pouch and tubing business will officially transition to Healthmark. As of Dec. 1, 2007 Healthmark will take ownership of all existing product inventories and assume full accountability for order processing, customer service, and other sales activities.

Source: Healthmark Industries Co., Inc.  

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