World's Leading Infectious Disease Specialists Convene to Discuss the Prevention and Treatment of Global Health Threats


NORTHBROOK, Ill. -- More than 1,500  researchers, physicians and scientists from around the world who specialize in  tropical medicine and parasitology will meet at the 53rd American Society of  Tropical Medicine and Hygiene annual meeting Nov. 7-11, 2004 in Miami to present and discuss the latest study findings and science related to

preventing, treating and diagnosing life-threatening infectious diseases.  


Representatives from countries including Peru, West Africa, Tanzania,

Zambia, Argentina, members of the World Health Organization, the Centers for

Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health and members of the U.S.

Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, the U.S. Army Center

for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, and Walter Reed Army Institute

of Research will be at the meeting to address topics concerning global health



     -- The latest preventive methods for diseases that pose bioterrorism

        threats, including smallpox, plague, botulism, tularemia and

        hemorrhagic fevers

     -- Diseases affecting members of the active military

     -- Immigrant and refugee health, including immunizations and women's

        health issues

     -- Polio eradication worldwide

     -- Parasites in the human blood supply

     -- New developments in vaccines for SARS, Ebola virus and malaria


The ASTMH was formed in 1951 with the amalgamation of the American Society

of Tropical Medicine, founded in 1903, and the National Malaria Society,

founded in 1940. The ASTMH is the principal organization in the United States

representing scientists, clinicians and others with interests in the

prevention and control of tropical and infectious diseases through research

and education.


Source:  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


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