Cedric Steiner is a licensed nursing home administrator in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who has a specific interest in addressing infection control in the long-term care setting. Steiner is seeking partners for a webinar that he hopes will promote a holistic approach to indoor air management. Contact him at steiner@gshealthcare.org or @SteinerGS for integrated solutions and infection control concerns related to indoor air quality.
Let Airflow Show Pathogens the Door (or Window or Vent)
June 18th 2021An integrated air management system requires proper engineering and not a pile-up approach of unproven products. One concern is that decision makers will fall into the nearsighted trap of selecting piecemeal products that require frequent maintenance.
How One Long-Term Care Facility Held Off COVID-19
March 9th 2021Difficulties in communicating with the elderly necessitate close speaking. These circumstances are a ripe atmosphere for spreading respiratory diseases. While residents were largely isolated from the broader population, their caretakers were not.