ASHES Re-Elects Tina Cermignano as 2009 President


CHICAGO -- The American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services (ASHES) board of directors today announced the re-election of Tina Cermignano, CHESP, as society president for 2009. Cermignano is currently serving as 2008 president. Cermignano's year-long term as 2009 president begins Jan. 1, 2009.

Cermignano is the operations manager for quality and environmental services at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She has been an ASHES member since 1987 and has 24 years of healthcare experience. She began her career in laundry services before moving to environmental services, where she serves today.

"I am honored to serve two consecutive years as president of the ASHES organization," said Cermignano. “The ASHES members are the primary focus while we advance the essential role ASHES plays in the quality and infection control arena."

ASHES members also elected two representatives for the 2009-2011 board of directors with both having three-year terms beginning January 1, 2009:

-- Michael Bailey, CHESP: Bailey is currently at Greenville Hospital System in Greenville, S.C. where he serves as director of environmental services. His contribution to ASHES includes participation in various committees and at the local chapter, the South Carolina Society for Environmental Services, where he has served as president in 2005 and 2006.

-- Gary L. Dolan: Dolan is currently at The Village at PennState, State College, Pa, where he serves as director of environmental services. He has served in various committees at the national level and currently serves on the ASHES Advisory Council; where he assists committees and staff as technical expert.

Source: American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services

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