Emerging Pathogens and Environmental Cleaning


This Report examines surface cleaning and disinfection in the face of emerging infectious disease and the pathogens that can challenge disinfectant efficacy. It reviews the hierarchy of pathogen resistance and susceptibility to disinfectants, discusses various factors that impact disinfectant efficacy, and addresses current pathogens of concern.

Report Summary

This Report examines surface cleaning and disinfection in the face of emerging infectious disease and the pathogens that can challenge disinfectant efficacy. It reviews the hierarchy of pathogen resistance and susceptibility to disinfectants, discusses various factors that impact disinfectant efficacy, and addresses current pathogens of concern.

Editor's Take

Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) pose a challenge to institutions in terms of being prepared for how to clean and disinfect the healthcare setting when a patient has a known or suspected infection with an emergent pathogen. While existing guidance may not necessarily be keeping up with these EIDs, infection preventionists and environmental services professionals should be able to cope by breaking down the etiology of the pathogen in question, consulting what is known in recommendations and the medical literature, and proceeding accordingly.

Takeaways for Your Business

  • Microbial susceptibility of pathogens to disinfectants may vary depending on a number of key factors
  • Surface disinfectants must be effective against the targeted pathogens and high-touch surfaces must be effectively cleaned
  • The properties of an ideal disinfectant include being broad-spectrum, fast-acting and persistent
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Cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in hospitals  (Adobe Stock 339297096 by Melinda Nagy)
Set of white bottles with cleaning liquids on the white background. (Adobe Stock 6338071172112 by zolnierek)
Association for the Health Care Environment (Logo used with permission)
Woman lying in hospital bed (Adobe Stock, unknown)
Photo of a model operating room. (Photo courtesy of Indigo-Clean and Kenall Manufacturing)
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