Registration Opens for 2011 AHE Annual Conference and Healthcare Marketplace


The Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) has opened registration for its 2011 Annual Conference & Healthcare Marketplace. Prevention, education, standards and management are the four pillars that form the foundation of AHEs strategic plan and is the theme for the 2011 conference.

The conference program will feature three days of educational and plenary sessions with a focus on helping attendees build their own pillars for performance excellence. Attendees will hear from healthcare experts how to:

- Improve and optimize leadership skills, how to influence others and take charge of professional development

- Challenge current knowledge with interactive and hands-on sessions

- Explore and experience the latest in technology and solutions

The conference will educate and equip healthcare professionals about the most advanced technologies, solutions and toolkits with cant miss sessions such as: HCAHPS Winners Toolbox: Proven Strategies to Increase Your Scores; Lean Principles in Healthcare; Implications of HAI Costs on Environmental Services; Managing Stress in a Stress-Laden Environment; Creating "Wow" Experiences; Whats Your Bed Bug Business Plan?; and Management Survival Toolkit: Leadership Practices for Time-Crunched Managers

AHE has also lined up an impressive list of sought after keynote and plenary speakers including: Robert Stevenson, author of How to Soar Like ad Eagle in a World Full of Turkeys and 52 Essential Habits for Success; John W. Bluford, Chairman of the American Hospital Association (AHA) Board of Trustees; Jack MacKay, AHAs Vice-President of Information Technology; Steve Gilliland, author of the best-selling book Enjoy the Ride; and David Rabiner who is back for his second appearance by popular demand.

For more information on the conference or to register, visit

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