TOMI Completes SteraMist Technology Sales and Training for Two Additional Healthcare Systems


TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. announces the completion of sale of TOMI patented Binary Ionization Technology® (BIT) to two more hospitals Union Memorial of MedStar Health and Springhill Medical. TOMI has already trained staff members at each of these hospitals in the use of the BIT technology.

MedStar Health is the Maryland and Washington, D.C. areas largest regional healthcare system with a network of 10 hospitals and 20 other health-related businesses across the region. MedStar Health has more than 163,000 inpatient admissions and more than 2 million outpatient visits each year. Springhill Medical Center is a full service hospital serving southwest Alabama and includes a campus that is home to primary care physicians and is also a senior residence, sleep center, cancer center, athletic club, orthopedic surgery center, wound care and a hyperbaric center.

Dr. Halden Shane, TOMIs CEO, notes, We are excited and privileged that TOMI and its patented Binary Ionization Technology® and service have been chosen by these two hospital systems to provide solutions to combat killer hospital-acquired infections and otherwise be an integral component of each of these hospitals environmental strategy for indoor surface decontamination.

The TOMI technology is a decontamination system that applies cold plasma activation to a low percentage hydrogen peroxide-based aerosol, which then produces a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) mist that deactivates organic compounds and quickly inactivates viruses and bacteria including bacterial spores (C. diff) as well as mold spores, other fungi and yeast, both in the air and on surfaces. Leaving no residue or noxious fumes, SteraMist usage provides fast-acting, broad-spectrum decontamination, is environmentally friendly and is also safe for delicate medical equipment and computers.

Source: TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc.

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