Tru-D SmartUVC Proven to Reduce Bioburden in Operating Rooms


A recent study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, "Ultraviolet-C light as a means of disinfection anesthesia workstations," demonstrated Tru-D SmartUVC's ability to reduce bioburden on anesthesia workstations. In the study, UVC disinfection greatly influenced bioburden reduction on high-touch, complex medical equipment surfaces contaminated with three organisms commonly implicated in surgical infections.

"This study further validates the body of literature supporting Tru-D," said Chuck Dunn, CEO and president of Tru-D SmartUVC. "The research team concluded disinfection of all surfaces both in direct and shadowed areas on anesthesia devices from a single Tru-D placement in the operating room. Tru-D was proven effective both in small and large operating rooms. It is exciting to once again have our disinfection claims validated by an esteemed research team at a prestigious academic medical center."

The study was conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) to assess organism killing on complex medical devices in difficult-to-access, high-touch areas that included dials, knobs and handles that are challenging to clean manually.   All trials, compared with the controls, exhibited significant bioburden reduction.  The research team went on to suggest that Tru-D's technology is an important supplement to the manual cleaning process.

"This study further confirmed the efficacy of Tru-D on complex surfaces found in all operating room suites and demonstrated excellent bioburden reduction, further validating Tru-D's patented Sensor360 technology's ability to analyze a room and deliver a precisely-measured, lethal dose of UVC unlike any competitor," said Dunn.

VCU validated Tru-D's effectiveness against the three most common pathogens found in operating rooms and are commonly implicated in surgical site infections: Enterococcus faecalis, Acinetobactor baumannii and Staphylococcus aureus.

Used in conjunction with manual cleaning protocols as an enhanced terminal room disinfection strategy, Tru-D is brought in to a room after traditional cleaning is completed. Using chemical-free UVC energy, Tru-D operates from a single position and administers a single cycle of UV light, minimizing additional labor costs and maximizing productivity for the staff. Through the use of its patented Sensor360 technology, Tru-D achieves significant pathogen reduction in the room against common superbugs such as MRSA, VRE and C. diff. Validated by more than a dozen independent studies as well as the first and only randomized clinical trial on UV disinfection, Tru-D is on a mission to eradicate hospital-acquired infections from healthcare settings.

Source: Tru-D SmartUVC

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