The Infection Control Today® sterile processing page provides an inside look into the sterile processing (or central supply) department in the hospital where surgical instruments are cleaned, sterilized, and reprocessed in order to disinfect, remove bioburden, and prep for upcoming procedures. Sterile processing applies to not only the knives, scalpels, scissors, forceps, and clamps used in surgery, but also instruments such as endoscopes and duodenoscopes. ICT® reports on the latest technology but also on the means to disinfect that technology. Also, the trend toward making more disposable surgical equipment. What does that mean for the sterile processing team?
November 19th 2024
Learn how Germitec’s Chronos uses patented UV-C technology for high-level disinfection of ultrasound probes in 90 seconds, enhancing infection control, patient safety, and environmental sustainability.
Occupational Health: Protecting Workers Against Chemical Exposures
October 11th 2012The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that more U.S. workers are injured in the healthcare industry than any other. This sector has one of the highest rates of work-related injuries and illnesses, and in 2010, it reported 653,900 injury and illness cases. Also for that year, the latest year for which data are available, OSHA says the incidence rate for work-related nonfatal injuries and illnesses in healthcare was 139.9; by comparison, the incidence rate for nonfatal injury and illnesses in all private industry was 107.7. That's a lot of injuries and illness despite the fact that the General Duty Clause of the legislation that created OSHA requires employers to provide workers with a safe workplace that does not have any known hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious injury.
Bringing a High-Level Disinfectant and Automated Endoscope Reprocessor to Market
October 2nd 2012The intent of this article is to answer some questions regarding which government agency or department regulates different classes of antimicrobials (disinfectants, sterilants), as well what is required to develop a 510(k) submission package for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review, comment and ultimate clearance related to new high-level disinfectants (HLDs) and automated endoscope reprocessor (AERs).